Simple Health tips according to our healthcare professionals!

  1. Curb your sweet tooth
  2. Find a fitness friend
  3. Stock up on healthy foods
  4. Wear comfortable shoes
  5. Pick the right music to work out to
  6. Watch your portion sizes: an easy tip is to take your normal restaurant sized meals and take home half for later.
  7. Watch the cocktail hour! Its easy to drink too much. Try drinking a glass of water between drinks to avoid racking up calories.
  8. When you have been dieting for long periods of time–enjoy your cheat day!
  9. No matter what the most important drink for your body is WATER! Try to drink half your body weight every day in ounces of water.
  10. Fuel for fitness: When you are going to work out make sure you eat the right foods before hand! Some suggested items are: whole grain muffins or a bagel with peanut butter (or low fat cream cheese). Follow the work out up with a well rounded meal to help with the recovery period for your muscles.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding physical fitness and your health–do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns (402-731-9100).

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